Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Super cute..
This is red panda from seattle's zoo..i dont no is it the only one that having in US
wing and Poo said they ll go to the Hong Kong Zoological with me during summer vacation..YEAH!!!after finish a load of work..XXXX toefl courses even the exam.. I M FREEEEEEEEEEEE...........
prefer to visit this kinds of places instead of doing nothing in the mall...

even finally i dont go to the zoo in seattle .it was too enough to just take a look at the Zoo's site...

no time to take a " break" in the rest of the quarter
i am thinking why i could register for the class at 830=almost kill me..
it just drives me crazyyy,,
the whole quarter i am doing the same thing......

830..hw.exam.test.quiz.paper.essay.lab report.a bunch of discussions....
summer quarter....SHould be """"more wonderful """"that thissss

With many reaosns.. apply for 2 schools in WA,,
hopefully I can get accepted ...


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